Strive Mexico

Supporting the Resilience of Micro and Small Enterprises in Mexico

Financial Inclusion
Project type
Take business from zero to one
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Services we provided
Event Branding
Marketing Collaterals
Video Animation
Who we designed for
The Strive Mexico program was targeted at MSEs in Mexico


Mastercard is a leading global payments company that is committed to driving financial inclusion and supporting the growth of micro and small enterprises (MSEs) around the world. In preparation for the launch of its flagship Strive Mexico program, the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth commissioned BFA Global to conduct a landscape review of MSEs in Mexico and efforts to support them. The purpose of the review was to uncover opportunities to support the resilience of MSEs, particularly those owned by women, through digitalization.

The Challenge

As part of this process, Curva was tasked with creating a range of materials in both English and Spanish, including a whitepaper, launch assets, and other promotional materials for MSEs in the Mexican economy, which account for 95% of all businesses and employ around 58% of the country's workforce.

The Solution

To address the challenge of supporting the resilience of MSEs in Mexico, BFA Global employed a number of strategies and approaches. First and foremost, the team conducted extensive research and analysis to identify the key issues facing MSEs in Mexico and the opportunities for digitalization. This included the use of surveys, interviews, and other data sources to gather insights from stakeholders across the country.Based on this research, Curva designed a whitepaper that clearly and concisely summarized the findings and presented them in a visually appealing format. The whitepaper included data visualizations of key trends and patterns, as well as custom illustrations and icons to help illustrate the points being made.Curva also made a number of other launch assets for the Strive Mexico program, in addition to the whitepaper. This included an invite design for the launch event, branding the event venue, as well as online paid ads to promote the program to potential participants. The team also created animated visuals, which were distributed electronically to help bring the Strive Mexico program to life and showcase its key features and benefits.

Scope and constraints

The Strive Mexico program was designed to address the significant challenges that Mexican businesses often face and are vulnerable to as a result of economic shocks and other external factors, and support the resilience of MSEs in Mexico through the provision of digital solutions and products. Over the course of three years, the program seeks to provide these tools to 400,000 MSEs, with a focus on those owned by women.

Outcome and lessons

The efforts of Curva were successful in supporting the launch of the Strive Mexico program. The whitepaper was published on the BFA website, and all launch assets were successfully printed and distributed. The Strive Mexico flagship program was funded for a two-year period and will support the resilience of 400,000 MSEs in Mexico.

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Increase in development time

Funding raised