Top Design interaction tools in 2023

Michael Oyewusi
mins read

In recent times, Interaction has been a new trend in UX design for websites and Mobile Apps. Companies in numerous sectors attempt to differentiate themselves online by using distinct branding and designs. Interaction design is an excellent technique for making your company more memorable and noticeable to your target audience. You definitely will not forget visiting a website that has an elegant, distinctive, and memorable user interaction. 

A good user interaction design draws your attention, holds it, and keeps it. Here are a few interaction design tools we at Curva have found useful for web and mobile design. To begin with, let's define Interaction Design.

What is Interaction Design?

Interaction Design is the process of designing the interaction between users and products in a simple, clear, and consistent manner. Most commonly, when people talk about interaction design, they are referring to software products like applications or websites. A product's interaction design is intended to enable its users to achieve their objective(s) in the most efficient manner.

In no particular order, here are the best 5 Interaction design tools we have used for creating stunning interactions at Curva. 


Webflow's interactions and animations tools combine the power of CSS and JavaScript into an entirely visual tool, allowing usersto create intricate, rich animations without ever touching code.

What can we do with Webflow?

The possibilities with Webflow are almost endless. It is a very powerful tool with multiple uses that can’t all be covered in this article. . But, here are a  few:

Easily create scroll-based parallax animations: 

With Webflow, we can connect your animations and motion to scroll progress and  create effects like parallax, precise reveal animations, progress bars, and much more. .

Build microinteractions around mouse movement: 

To attract visitor's attention and construct accurate microinteractions, Webflow has the capacity to link animations and movement to mouse locations.


Check out this video tutorial to learn how to get started with Webflow.

Invision Studio

InVision Studio is one of the most powerful tools for designing screens on the market. Designers are reshaping our environment by defining how humans engage with technology.InVision Studio empowers users to unleash new dimensions of screen design through frictionless quick prototyping and powerful animation.

What can we do with InVision Studio?

Invision Studio is a comprehensive design tool with multiple features that can’t all be covered in this article.But, here’s a few

Link several artboards into one animation:

The timer feature allows users to animate multiple artboards at once. It is also possible to loop an animation so that the last artboard points to the first. Alternatively, users can have a multi-step animation link to another part of your design. Videos with complex animations like this make excellent intros and outros.

Create responsive prototypes without writing code: 

Users can make everything percentage-based and scale every element depending on the size of the artboard and  using responsive prototypes allowing users create prototypes that are adaptable to various screen layouts. It makes it easier to create mockups of different sizes. If a design is marked as "resizable" in Studio, it will automatically resize in the browser.


Check out this tutorial, to  learn how to get started with InVision studio


Framer is a free source JavaScript framework for quick prototyping.Framer.js allows you to build animations and interactions, replete with filters, spring physics, 3D effects and more. It comes with Framer Generator, a feature that allows users to import layers directly from Photoshop and Sketch.

What can we do with Framer?

Let's explore what Framer can do. The tool has a wide range of features, so it would be impossible to cover them all in this article. But, here’s a few

Cover Flow: 

Framer makes this experience a breeze. Users can drag out a “page” frame and connect the cards they'd want swiped. This works instantly with no auto animate needed.

Swipe Effects: 

The varied swipe effects are incredibly fun to play with and easy to use. It is reminiscent  of the old windows movie creator – just drag an effect into a screen and you're done!


Check out this video tutorial, to learn how to get started with Framer.

Adobe After Effect

Adobe After Effects takes a different approach to create animations. Motion graphics animation works by manipulating vector and rasterized art to create and tell a story. users can integrate physical-based media as well through photographs and videography.

After Effects uses a variety of tools, coding, and user input to manipulate the media being used in a project. Users can move, twist, scale, rotate, and much more in order to transform your images and videos.

What can we do with Adobe After Effects?

Let's take a look a few key features and interactions After Effects can achieve. This software is extensive, and there are so many use cases that we may not be able to cover them all. f you're unfamiliar with After Effects, this article will provide you with a solid core grasp of what it is capable of.


Users can bring artwork to life by moving and manipulating layers. After Effects includes digital tools for manipulating and editing numerous features, which allows you to apply  several methods to make animations in the software. ! The application results for producing animations in After Effects are astonishing, thanks to integrations from third-party software and artists pushing the boundaries of common procedures.

Visual Effects: 

This application seems at home with visual effects workflows. People have been manipulating video and film for years to add various post-production effects. Many of the activities that After Effects can execute include smoke, fire, explosions, scene tracking, and backdrop replacements utilising green screen technology.

In After Effects, Users can make the following types of animations:

  • 2D Vector Animation
  • Basic 3D Animation
  • Character Animation
  • Kinetic Typography
  • UI/UX mock-up animations
  • Visual Effects


Check out this tutorial to learn how to create text animation in After Effects.

Motion UI

This is a Sass package that allows users to easily create versatile UI transitions and animations. It is a standalone library that manages the transformation effects seen in several Foundation components such as Toggler, Reveal, and Orbit. As a CSS package, Motion UI includes a collection of pre-made effects. This includes slide, scale, fade, hinge, and spin transition effects, as well as various built-in animations.

What can we do with Motion UI? 

Transitions, similar to those seen in a slideshow or video, are used to aid in the transition of components that enter and exit  website. A simple JavaScript library is included with the Motion UI package to trigger these transitions. 

CSS animations may also be created with the Motion UI transition effects. The package allows users to create series effects, which are animations on many items that occur in a queue. All of these animations are made with the mui-animation mixin, which is used to make CSS keyframe animations.

In addition to typical, one-time animations, Motion UI allows you to animate numerous elements in a specified series. These series are able to start with the mui-series mixin, and then use the mui-queue mixin to connect animations to classes.


Check out this tutorial,to learn how to get started with Motion UI.


The significance of including interaction in web design cannot be overemphasised. Billions of websites exist in today's contemporary world, with a substantial percentage of them already exploiting motion to their advantage. Outdated websites that do not move or use flash go by the wayside and do not receive the traffic they should. When users come across lifeless websites, they are less likely to stay on the site for long.

Consumers today, particularly millennials, have shorter attention spans, especially as technology expands options for stimulation and personalisation. Users are continuously bombarded with information, and static screens fail to interest them; movement on the screens is critical to holding their attention.

So, there you go! You are now aware of the top interaction tools. So, begin your journey in the new world and build something extraordinary.