
Elevating the Visual Identity of a Pioneering Online Media Monitoring Software Solution

United Kingdom
Software and Technology ,SaaS
Project type
Innovate within an institution
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Services we provided
Marketing Collaterals
360 Design solution
Video Animation
Event Branding
Who we designed for
The primary audience for Meltwater are marketing and PR professionals, and business owners


Meltwater is a software-as-a-service solution and the world's first online media monitoring company. Meltwater allows companies to track their brand's impact in real time. Meltwater Media Intelligence allows users to access search results on-the-go and get real-time analysis through their mobile app. Meltwater enables businesses to monitor, understand, and influence the world around them.

The Challenge

In 2020, Meltwater revamped their website, introducing a new visual identity. As a result, their previous marketing collateral, including ebooks, case studies, and social media banners, no longer aligned with the new aesthetic. The goal was to redesign these assets to ensure they were consistent with the new brand identity.

The Solution

To redesign the marketing collateral, the team at Curva worked closely with the Meltwater team to understand their goals and target audience. For ebooks, the team focused on highlighting key features of the Meltwater product and creating educational materials that were easy for readers to digest. They also created landing pages to promote the ebooks and optimised assets from the ebooks to maintain a consistent look and feel.For paid ads, the team created engaging visuals with strong calls to action to help Meltwater tell their story and give viewers an opportunity to learn more about the company's offerings. For social media banners, the team designed images and banners that were consistent with the Meltwater brand and helped the company increase their reach and engagement on social media platforms.

Scope and constraints

The scope of the project included redesigning all marketing collateral, including ebooks, case studies, and social media banners, to align with Meltwater's new visual identity. The constraint was to ensure that the new designs were consistent with the brand guidelines and conveyed the key features and benefits of Meltwater's product offerings. In order to effectively redesign the marketing collateral for Meltwater, the team at Curva followed a few key steps:


We conducted extensive research on Meltwater's target audience and the key features of their product offerings to understand what resonates with their customers.


Using the information gathered from the research phase, we created low-fi wireframes and prototypes of the ebooks, case studies, and social media banners to get early-stage feedback from stakeholders.


Based on the feedback received, we designed the final versions of the marketing collateral, incorporating the new visual identity and highlighting the key features of Meltwater's product offerings.


Once the designs were finalised, we developed the marketing collateral, including creating landing pages to promote the ebooks and optimising assets for social media.

Outcome and lessons

Through the redesign of their marketing collateral, Meltwater was able to ensure that all of their assets were consistent with their updated brand identity. The team at Curva supported Meltwater's marketing efforts across different time zones and languages, helping the company to effectively communicate their message to their target audience.

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Funding raised